Academic Board of Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo has approved the Punishment for Examination Malpractices with effect from 2016/2017 Academic Session as follows:
1. Involvement in the leakage of examination papers i.e. serving as agent to circulate leaked examination questions. The punishment is EXPULSION
2. Bringing in unauthorized materials into the examination hall with or without using them e.g. Textbooks, notes, paper, GSM phones, other electronic devices, manuscripts etc. The penalty is SUSPENSION FOR 4 SEMESTERS AND ‘0F’ result in the affected course.
3. Copying from another person’s work or looking into another person’s work. The penalty for this is SUSPENSION FOR 2 SEMESTERS AND ‘0F’ in the affected course.
4. Releasing or exposing one’s answer script to be copied by another candidate attracts SUSPENSION FOR 2 SEMESTERS AND ‘0F’ in the affected course.
5. Exchanging answer scripts and question papers, information like printed materials, text messages, microchips etc during any examination attracts SUSPENSION FOR 4 SEMESTERS AND ‘0F’ in the affected course.
6. Collaboration in the examination hall while examination is going on attracts SUSPENSION FOR 2 SEMESTERS AND ‘0F’ in the affected course.
7. Aiding and Abetting:
(a) Assisting in the transfer of prohibited items from one candidate to another in the examination hall attracts Suspension for 2 Semesters.
(b) Failure or refusal to report act of cheating during examination attracts Suspension for 1 Semester.
8. Substituting examination scripts with unauthorized scripts or materials before, during or after any examination attracts EXPULSION
9. Coming into an examination hall with a gun or any dangerous weapon attracts EXPULSION AND THE HANDING OVER OF THE CRIMINAL TO LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENTS
10. Physical assault or insulting any staff before, during or after any examination will attract EXPULSION.
11. Unruly behaviour in the Examination Hall e.g. Disobedience to lawful orders, drunkenness or obstructing peace during an examination attracts SUSPENSION FOR 4 SEMESTERS
12. Destruction/Mutilation of answer script by any student attracts SUSPENSION FOR 4 SEMESTERS.
13. Assaulting another student during any examination attracts EXPULSION
14. Loitering near Examination Hall with intention to aid or abet attracts suspension FOR 1 semester.
15. Refusal to complete Examination Malpractice form attracts SUSPENSION FOR 4 SEMESTERS.
16. Impersonation During Examination: This applies to any Candidate caught writing examination for another person. When the impersonator and impersonated are students of the College (A. C. E.) both students shall be EXPELLED.
17. Any Candidate who signs the register on behalf of another Candidate shall be treated as a case of impersonation and shall be expelled from the College.
18. Spying during examination: Any Candidate caught spying other Candidate’s work in the examination hall SHALL HAVE HIS/HER PAPER CANCELLED.
19. Soliciting for Marks: Any Candidate caught soliciting for marks before, during or after an examination directly and indirectly SHALL HAVE HIS/HER PAPER CANCELLED.
20. Destruction of Evidence: Any Candidate who destroys or mutilates materials that will be used as evidence to establish an allegation against him/her shall BE EXPELLED from the College.
21. Writing on Question Papers: Any Candidate caught with unauthorized writings, jottings and drawing on question papers shall have his/her examination paper CANCELLED.
22. Illegal Possession of Live Question Paper: Any Candidate found with live question(s) or with prepared answers, indicating that there was fore-knowledge of the actual question(s) shall be EXPELLED from the College and the source of leakage shall be appropriately investigated.
23. Incrimination of Invigilator(s)/Lecturer (s) and Other Students: Any Candidate found to have falsely incriminated a lecturer; staff or another student in a case of examination malpractice shall be EXPELLED from the College.
24. Repeated Misconduct: Any Candidate who commits any examination misconduct as a second time offender shall be EXPELLED from the College.
Without prejudice to the fore-going, the College may go beyond the prescribed sanction based on the merit of each case – ranging from reprimand to dismissal/expulsion.
(i) Any examination Malpractice discovered before, during or after an examination shall be handled by the Student Disciplinary Committee (SDC).
(ii) Examination Malpractice shall not be allowed during Continuous Assessment tests conducted in the College. Any act of examination malpractice during the course work assessment shall attract the same penalties as the malpractices committed during the regular examination.
(iii) Any candidate caught cheating or attempting to cheat shall be made to fill the Examination Malpractice Form immediately. Such a statement must be signed by the candidate in question, the examination invigilator as well as the supervisor on duty.
(iv) Any Candidate who refuses to appear before the Students Disciplinary Committee shall be deemed guilty of the alleged offence and shall be penalized accordingly.
(v) All recommendations of the Students Disciplinary Committee shall be forwarded to the College Management for consideration and final approval by the Academic Board.
Any member of staff, teaching, non-teaching, security or adhoc, who is involved (or alleged to be involved) in any examination malpractice shall be duly investigated by the Staff Disciplinary Committee and sanctions shall be meted out as appropriate based on the severity of the offence. For the avoidance of doubt, examination malpractice on the part of staff shall include:
Ø Lateness to invigilation and supervision
Ø Absenteeism from examination duties
Ø Leaving examination duty before the end of the exercise
Ø Abandoning examination duty post to engage in chats or other frivolities
Ø Aiding and abetting cheating in any form
Ø Leaking examination questions to students
Ø Helping to cover the reportage of cheating
Ø Hampering the investigation of examination malpractice
Ø Fabricating of scores or grades
Ø Altering examination scores at any point
Ø Getting involved in examination/admission syndicacy
Ø Printing or circulating unauthorized/fake examination materials
Ø Any other act(s) considered by the college to be tantamount to examination malpractice.