Hallmark University Job Vacancies: Academic & Non-Academic

Hallmark University Job Vacancies: Academic & Non-Academic

Academic, Administrative and Technical staff job vacancies at Hallmark University for the 2015/2016 academic session.

Hallmark University is a vision and wealth of experience-driven Private University granted operational licence by the Federal Government. It is located at a scenic and alluring learning environment at Ijebu-Itele on Shagamu-Ore Expressway which is accessible from all parts of the country. Its objective is to create a world-class University with innovation and creativity as its bedrock. Hallmark University education guarantees strategic academic excellence and exemplary values. It provides holistic education inculcating attitude, intellectual skills and character-building for lifelong learning and career development in the traditional and contemporary professions in the industry, business and government. The academic programmes of the University are designed to promote and provide sound basic and applied training in Science, Engineering, Agriculture and Management that encourage skills acquisition and entrepreneurship for job creation and self employment. The programmes are also focused on producing a new generation of leaders capable of responding to the challenges of both local and global environment for development.

See also: Hallmark University Job Vacancies: Principal Officers.

The University therefore invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the under-listed positions:


  1. (a) Faculty

Professors, Readers, Senior Lecturers, Lecturer I, Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturers in the following disciplines: Accounting, Banking & Finance, Business Administration, Economics, Marketing, Biochemistry, Computer Science, Information & Communication, Industrial Chemistry, Physics and Zoology.

(b)  University Library

Librarian II and Librarian I

(c)  Qualification/Experience
Hallmark University runs a unique remuneration package HUASS which is comparable to what obtains in other tertiary institutions.(d)     Salary


(i)      Registry: Assistant Registrar, Administrative Officers II, Administrative Officer I, Higher Executive Officers, Executive Officers, Personal Secretary II, Confidential Secretary I, Confidential Secretary II, Clerical Officers, Office Assistants.

(ii)      Bursary: Senior Accountant, Accountant I, Accountant II, Executive Officers.

(iii)     Internal Audit: Senior Internal Auditor, Higher Executive Officers.

(iv)     Library: Higher Library Officer, Library Officers.

(v)      Laboratory Staff: Technologist II, Laboratory Assistant.

(vi)     Health Centre Management: Medical Officers I, Medical Officers II, Nursing Officers, Laboratory Scientist.

(vii)    ICT Unit: Network Programmer, Web Technician, System Analyst/HEO.

(viii)   Works, Maintenance and Other Services: Principal Engineer, Higher Technical Officers, Senior Architect, Clerk, Security Officer II, Assistant Coach, Horticulturist II.

(b)     For qualifications and experience for non-teaching staff for the above vacant positions, candidates are advised to visit our website “hallmarkuniversity.edu.ngfor details.

(c)      Salary

Hallmark University runs a unique remuneration package (HUTISS) which is comparable to what obtains in other tertiary institutions.


Candidates are required to submit 20 type-written copies of their applications and Curriculum Vitae, giving information in the following format:

(i)       Full names with surname in capitals

(ii)      Date of birth, town and state of origin

(iii)      Nationality

(iv)     Current postal address including GSM telephone number and E-mail address

(v)      Permanent home address

(vi)     Marital status

(vii)     Names and ages of children

(viii)    Institutions attended with dates

(ix)     Academic qualifications

(x)      List of publications in details

(xi)     Working experience

(xii)     Present employment, status, salary and employer

(xiii)    Extra-curricular activities

(xiv)    Names and addresses of 3 referees, two of whom must be authorities in Library Science who should forward their reports under confidential cover directly to the Vice-Chancellor, Hallmark University, Ijebu-Itele.


Applications should be submitted under confidential cover in seated envelopes marked: “Post of ———–” to:

The Vice-Chancellor

Hallmark University, Ijebu-Itele

i/c Vivian Fowler Memorial College,

Plot 5, Balogun Street, Billings Way, Oregun,

Ikeja, Lagos


Applications for both positions should reach the office of the Vice-Chancellor not later than (4) four weeks from the date of this publication. Date of publication is July 21, 2015.

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