The Afebabalola University Adoekiti , ABUAD Acceptance Fee Payment Procedure for newly admitted undergraduate students has been published.
All candidate who have been admitted into the university for the 20917/2018 academic session are to follow the procedure below to pay their acceptance fees.
ABUAD Acceptance Fee Payment Procedure For Admitted Students
– Check if you have been offered admission
– In case you need to choose another course (only applicable for some applicants), click on “Select Course” and choose any of courses available on the dropdown menu. Click on “Accept Admission”
– ACCEPTANCE FEE PAYMENT: There are two options for payment of Acceptance Fee:
(i) Online Payment and (ii) Manual Payment
Online payment:
Pay the Acceptance Fee online with your ATM card and gain access to print your admission letter immediately.
Enter your email address and phone number in the spaces provided and click on “Pay Acceptance Fee Online now”.
In the next screen, check and confirm the transaction details by clicking on “Confirm and Pay Now”.
In the next screen pay with your ATM Card by clicking on “Select your card type”. Select your card type, enter your card number, expiry date, CVC2, card pin and click on “Pay”. Kindly print out the receipt of your payment if the payment is successful.
With a successful payment, you can now download and print your admission letter.
Manual Payment:
Pay the Acceptance Fee at any of the designated banks (listed online) and bring your proof of payment to Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti to collect your Admission Letter.
– If you paid Acceptance Fee online and the payment is successful, you can proceed to the University student portal immediately (http://portal.abuad.edu.ng ) to set up your account and familiarise yourself with the University community as well as paying school fees.