The Ahmadu Bello University Students Representative Council ABUSRC under the visionary leadership of Comr Nazeer Ibrahim Kallah wishes to call on the attention of all undergraduate students of Ahmadu Bello University and to seriously caution them on the illegality of selling their bed space to others and racketeering.
The Deanery announced the plan opening of undergraduate accommodation portal on 3rd January 2025 and it is meant for students who want to stay in the school or don’t have financial capability to stay off campus. Buying and selling of bed space is an illegal transaction that the university students’ affairs division have been constantly warning students against it
We are officially sending this notification message to caution fellow recalcitrant students planning to engage in this kind of fraudulent activity to desist from it as it attract sanction starting from seizing the bed space up to a semester rustication without any excuses.
All Hall Governors and Hall Representatives of all the hostels are here by directed to be monitoring all the activities of students in their respective hostels and report any suspected fraudulent act and the perpetrators to the Executives.
We hope all students will take this message seriously, refrain from such fraudulent activity and continue to abide by the rules and regulations of the university community
The Management also enjoins students to adhere strictly to their matriculation oath, as the University authorities will take appropriate disciplinary measures against culprits.
For the avoidance of doubt, personnel from the Security Division, Students Affairs Division, and IAIICT, have been duly mandated to monitor such sharp practices with a view to fishing out those violating hostel residency regulations for appropriate sanctions.
Signed: Management.