Below is the Approved Undergraduate Academic calendar of Ahmadu Bello University for 2015/2016;
Sunday 1st November 2015 - Resumption.
2nd -14 November 2015 - Registration.
Monday 16 November - 19 December 2015 - 5 weeks Lectures
21st December 2015 - 2nd January 2016 - Christmas, New year and Mid-semester break.
4th January - 5th March 2016- 9 Weeks Lectures
7th March - 19th March 2016 - 2 weeks examination
Note : (i) 7th December - 14 December 2015 - 1 week Add/Drop
(ii) GENS Examination for First Semester will commence on the 29th February 2016.
11th April - 28th May 2016 - 7 weeks Lectures
30th May - 4th June 2016 - Mid semester break
6th June - 23rd July 2016 - 7 weeks lectures
25th July - 6 August 2016 - 2 weeks Examination