When the National Universities Commission (NUC), denied accreditation for the Medicine and Surgery programme of Abia State University Uturu (ABSU), during the November/December 2021 accreditation exercise for Nigerian Universities, all hell was let loose on the administration of the University and the Abia State government.
All kinds of invectives and lies were concocted to disparage the administration and the Government, despite the political twist and obvious sabotage by some groups who were bent to ensure the denial of accreditation to the program during the exercise.
Some, out of sheer malice, forgot that in the same exercise, ABSU presented a total of thirty four (34) programs for accreditation, out of which Twenty (20) got full accreditation, Seven (7) interim and another Seven (7) including Medicine surgery was denied accreditation.
The explanations in both traditional and social media by the administration in response to agitations and enquiries on the true position of the loss of accreditation for the programe during the exercise could not assuage the people, even the assurances from the education friendly governor of the State and Visitor to the University, Okezie Victor Ikpeazu PhD and the Vice-Chancellor, Distinguished Professor Onyemachi M.Ogbulu, that the Governing authorities will do everything to restore the accreditation as soon as possible, seemed like a fairy tale to many.
However, the concern of some others, particularly parents, students and even aspiring students into Medicine and surgery and other programs of the University were understandable. That a flagship program of the University which had enjoyed full accreditation over the years and produced notable medical doctors within and outside the country was denied accreditation was a bitter pill for them to swallow. Why medicine and surgery, many were right to ask. It was just perhaps like a very bright and brilliant student who failed an exam against all expectation.
Not detered by the temporary setback and with the unprecedented support of the education friendly scholar in Governance and visitor to the University, Okezie Victor Ikpeazu PhD as well as other stakeholders, the Vice- Chancellor, Distinguished Professor Onyemachi M Ogbulu, assembled and deployed every arsenal at his disposal in preparation for another accreditation exercise.
Subsequently, Medicine and surgery, with other six(6) programs, optometry, nursing sciences, business education, bio-chemistry, sociology, and french, all due for accreditation was listed for the November/December 2022 NUC accreditation exercise.
The result is what we are celebrating today. A resounding success where the University scored 100 percent and full accreditation for all the seven(7) programs presented including Medicine and Surgery. As the scriptures says, " the glory of the later days shall be greater than the former"
This, was a product of focus, doggedness, and strategic leadership of a determined administrator, who have set his eyes on the mark of success without looking back. A man with unwavering trust in God, believing that no problem is insummountable.
According to Jack Canfield, an American author and motivational speaker, " Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them. They stay focused on their past successes rather than their past failures and on the next action steps they need to take to get them closer to the fulfillment of their goals "
This explains the leadership style and attribute of our humane, staff and student welfare oriented Vice-Chancellor, Distinguished Professor Onyemachi M. Ogbulu, who at all times thinks about the next strategic policy to execute that will benefit the staff and students of the University. An apostle of uninterrupted academic activity in the University, a team leader, a bridge builder, a fence mender, always fair but firm in decision making, humble and silent achiever, prudent manager of human and material resources.
Perhaps, not many have heard about the approval and subsequent release of outstanding promotions, regularization and confirmation to all staff due for 2019, 2020 and 2021 for both teaching and non teaching staff of the University, regular payment of monthly salaries and gradual liquidation of inherited arrears, introduction of new programs, creating enabling enviroment for partnership for investment from individuals, Alumni association and corporate bodies.
Similarly, let us also not forget the restoration of calm along the okigwe- uturu road which was once plagued by insecurity challenges, the massive infrastructural developments in all the campuses of the University, the peaceful academic enviroment engendered by the trust staff and students have on the leadership of the University. These and other achievements are dividends of an a transparent and focused administration guided by the vision of " let the change continue" mantra that will take the University to another pedestal of development.
All said, for these and more, we must ever commend the uncommon moral and financial support of the Governor and Visitor to the University, Okezie Victof Ikpeazu PhD, the contributions of the Governing Council ably led by the Pro-Chancellor and Chairman, Chief Mba Okoronkwo Ukariwo, Management, Senate, Staff and students for these remarkable achievements.
We do pray that the same way the temporary loss of accreditation was celebrated by many, now it has been restored, lets also deploy the same energy and even more to publish it as well as join hands with all stakeholders to build Abia State University of our dream.
Chijioke Nwogu