AAUE notice on course registration deadline, 2020/2021

AAUE notice on course registration deadline, 2020/2021

The University Management has directed that all results for examinations conducted in the 2020/2021 Academic Session should be uploaded to the portal on or before Friday, 30th of September, 2022. Consequently, all Deans and HODs are, by this release, advised to ensure that all departmental boards meet, approve results and ensure that all results are uploaded on or before the above set deadline.

In addition, all soft and signed scanned copies of mark sheets of all results as uploaded should be sent via email to: cberesult@aauekpoma.edu.ng as the final conclusion of all activities that have to do with the upload of results for the 2020/2021 Academic Session.

All students are, by this release, advised to conclude their course registration within the period of the deadline set for upload of results by course lecturers, as the issue of missing results due to non-payment of school fees and course registration, will no longer be entertained.

This is for the information and guidance of all concerned.

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