AAUA notice on resumption of 1st semester, 2021/2022 & 2022/2023 sessions

AAUA notice on resumption of 1st semester, 2021/2022 & 2022/2023 sessions

The University Senate directed that the University be reopened for academic activities for the 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 academic sessions on Wednesday, 15th March, 2023.

In line with the approved Academic calendar for the new session, online screening and registration for Fresh students and online registration for Returning students commenced on 26th February, 2023. This exercise will close by midnight of Tuesday, 14th March, 2023. Full academic activities will commence on Wednesday, 15th March, 2023.

All students are requested to take note of the above information and ensure strict compliance. They are to visit the University portal, eduportal.aaua.edu.ng, for the procedure for registration.

On behalf of the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Olugbenga Ige, I welcome all Fresh and Returning students to the Campus and wish them success in their academic endeavours. 

By copies of this Circular, Deans, Heads of Department and members of staff are requested to take note of the contents of this Circular for information and renewal of their determination for effective and efficient service delivery.

Thank you.

Registrar & Secretary to Senate

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