The Vice Chancellor received and considered a report on the above subject matter. The report indicated poor compliance by new students as regards the compulsory Health Centre registration.
I have, therefore, been directed to inform all students that registration with the University Health Centre is compulsory. Registered students would enjoy the priviledge of (i) screening for both communicable and non-communicable diseases and; (ii) accessing medical services in the University Health Centre.
Registration formalities are incomplete without the Health Centre registration and the penalty for late registration is Ten thousand naira (N10,000.00) only, payable to the University account.
The purpose of this circular is to bring the above to the attention of all students, particularly new students, and to note that the registration exercise will come to an end on Friday, June 7, 2024. Students who have not completed this exercise at the expiration of the deadline will be penalised appropriately.
Please be guided