AAUA Important Notice On 1st Semester, 2013/2014 GST Make-Up Examination

AAUA Important Notice On 1st Semester, 2013/2014 GST Make-Up Examination

This is to inform you that Management has approved that a make-up Examination be conducted for all students whose Examination and C.A score could not be found in the GST Examination in the First Semester of 2013/2014 Examination Results. The GST course involve are GST 111, GST113, GST 123A, GST 123B and GST 211

The Examination has be scheduled to hold as follows:
DATE: 21st May, 2015
TIME: 9am

Affected students should bring evidence of their Studentship to the examination venue. Thanks.

SIGNED: Dr S.T Aroge
Ag. Director (GST)

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