AAU VC: Why National Gender Policy Must Be Implemented Now

AAU VC: Why National Gender Policy Must Be Implemented Now –

Acting Vice-Chancellor of Ambrose Alli University (AAU), Ekpoma, Professor Cordelia Agbebaku, has advocated the enactment of specific laws that will compel governments at all levels to implement the National Gender Policy in order to ensure the protection of women’s rights and gender equality in Nigeria.

She noted that the stoppage of all forms of cultural and traditional discrimination against women was key to the realisation of Vision 20:2020, adding that no nation desirous of achieving meaningful development can afford any shade of gender imbalance in the management of its public affairs.

She spoke at a lecture on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality: A Case of Universality or Culture Relativism at the 44th inaugural lecture of the university in Ekpoma.

Agbebaku stressed the need for the National Assembly to repeal laws that discriminate against women such as the laws on inheritance, divorce under customary law and others.

Lamenting poor access to training, quality education and self-improvement as the major reason for women’s lack of empowerment, she noted that if this is addressed, the country will be a better place.

According to her, women constitute half of the population in Africa and their under-representation in social, political and economic spheres must be addressed if Africa is to leverage fully on the promise and potential that it holds, adding that about 30 per cent of women participate in economic activities, often in very limited ways.

Agbebaku further stated that economic empowerment of women is an important issue and should be taken seriously by families, communities, organisations and nations.

“Women must have access to training, higher education and self-improvement in order to aspire to higher paying jobs. It is believed that continuous academic improvement by women significantly determines how far they can rise even much more than their male counterparts,’’ she added.

“Empowering women provides more choices for women and creates female role models and mentors in places where economic opportunities have historically been limited. I have noted that the elusiveness of attaining gender equality and protection is not as a result of a dearth of legislation geared towards redressing gender inequality. Indeed, gender equality continues to be central themes in global treaties, conventions and declarations.

“In spite of these efforts, gender discrimination against women still looms large in Nigeria. By way of recommendations to stem this tide, I wish to suggest the following: An effective and efficient enforcement mechanism to ensure compliance should be provided for international, regional and municipal laws guaranteeing and protecting gender rights. Legislations that discriminate against women should be expressly repealed. e.g. laws on inheritance, divorce under customary law etc.”

Legal awareness programmes should be institutionalized in order to empower women with increased knowledge of their rights under existing laws.

Customs and practices which negate the human rights of women should be abolished. Thus, customary and religious laws which engender gender inequality should be expressly abolished by legislation.

Women’s rights should be accorded the status of human rights as they are universal. Therefore, specific laws must be enacted to ensure their protection and enforcement.

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