AAU Pre-MBBS resit examination timetable

AAU Pre-MBBS resit examination timetable

This is to inform all students of Ambrose Alli University that under the Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences that the Pre MBBS resit Examination timetable for 2021 has been released. See details below;

Monday 4/1/2021 

9am - 12 noon - Anatomy paper 1

2 - 4pm - Anatomy paper 2

Wednesday 6/1/2021 

9am - 12 noon - Med. Biochemistry paper 1

2 - 4pm - Med. Biochemistry paper 2

Friday 8/1/2021 

9am - 12 noon - Physiology paper 1

2 - 4pm - Physiology paper 2

Monday 11/2/2021 

9am - 1pm - Anatomy Practicals

Tuesday 12/2/2021

9am - 1pm - Med. Biochemistry Practicals

Wesnesday 13/2/2021

9am - 1pm - Physiology Practicals

Friday 15/2/2021

9am - 12noon - FAB Meetings

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