The Management of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma has released the academic calendar for part-time degree programme 2013/2014 session:
Monday, 28th April, 2014
- Old students Resume and begin course Registration and Clearance.
Thursday, 8th May, 2014
- New Students Resume and Commence Registration and Clearance
Thursday, 8th May, 2014
- First Semester Lectures begin for Old Students
Monday, 12th and Tuesday, 13 May, 2014
- Orientation for fresh Students
Thursday, 15th May, 2014
- First Semester Lectures Begin for New Students
Friday, 23rd May, 2014
- Matriculation for New Students
Monday, 30th June, 2014
- Normal Course registration for all students ends
Thursday, 3rd – Saturday 5th July, 2014
- Mid-Semester Test
Monday, 14th July, 2014
- Late Course Registration for all students end
Thursday, 7th August, 2014
- First Semester Examinations begin
Wednesday, 27th August, 2014
- First Semester Examinations end
Wednesday, 10th September, 2014
- Students return from Break
Thursday, 11th September, 2014
-Second Semester Lectures begin.
Thursday, 6th November-Saturday 8th November, 2014
- Mid Semester Test
Monday, 1st December, 2014
Second Semester Examinations begin
Saturday, 20th December, 2014
- Second Semester Examinations end
Wednesday, 21st January, 2015
Consideration of Results by the Academic Board of Studies
Wednesday, 28th January, 2015
Presentation of Results to Senate