Our Circular Ref No: AAU/ REG/SSD/22/Vol.III/85, dated 20th February, 2023, suspending non-virtual academic activities in Ambrose Alli University refers.
Recall that by the said memo, students were directed to vacate the Halls of Residence from Wednesday, 22nd February, 2023 and to return to campus on Wednesday, 15th March, 2023, following the Federal Government’s directive for Universities to close down for the 2023 General Elections
Following the postponement of the March 11, 2023 elections to 18th March, 2023, the Acting Vice-Chancellor, Professor A.S. Adagbonyin, has, on behalf of Senate, approved the extension of the period of stay away from campus by students of Ambrose Alli University to Monday 21st March, 2023.
All students are, therefore, requested to return to campus on Tuesday, 22nd March, 2023.
All other arrangements for vitual interaction through the Learning Management System (LMS), remain as in the readjusted Academic Calendar for the 2nd semester of the 2021/2022 session.
The Acting Vice-Chancellor enjoins all students of the University to remain law-abiding and wishes them safety in all their travels.
Thank you.
Ambrose E Odiase
Acting Registrar