Now you have finally arrived school as a fresh student and ready to begin the journey to getting your certificate. Whether you like it or not there are unforgettable experiences both good and bad that you are about to face. thus, 9 Campus experiences freshers can relate to
While this may sound scary, this experiences are actually inevitable and are just part of the rites of passage as a fresher.
Here are experiences freshers can relate to.
Different swing in emotion.
Now that you have gotten admission, especially if you were given admission in your preferred course of study, there is that unending wave of different emotions from joy, happiness and a bit of anxiety and even fear that consumes you as you wait for resumption.
You feel you didn’t do enough shopping.
Even after all the stuffs you bought in preparation for resumption you get to school and find out that it was not just enough, there were so many things you missed out, now you have to manage them or do some more shopping, that’s if you can afford it.
Find everything stressful
You’ll find out that it’s not easy to complete all registrations from department to halls of residence everything will be stressful, but soon the fun part will begin.
Hiding indoors
After registration and before the beginning of lectures it is not unusual to stay indoors, after been overwhelm by your new environment. You will soon get over this feeling once you begin to socialize with other new students.
Attending every freshers party you can.
A lot of us can relate to this one, especially the social type. Once on campus, in the bid to start socializing and start meeting the “girls” or “guys”as quickly as possible, you attend all the freshers party to have a glimpse of the other sex and socialize.
You suddenly feel in charge of your life.
Been far away from your parents and the environment you are used to. You feel in charge of your life, try not to be carried away because it’s at this point you should decide to lay a solid foundation for excelling in your chosen course of study.
Difficulty adjusting to school terms.
You get to school and find out that there are so many things you need to keep up with, lectures and meetings, you try to adjust to the lifestyle, so many slangs and words to memorize in order to seem cool or up to date. In a bid to blend in, you rush into trying to learn all about campus life as quickly as possible.
The first relationship we made on campus didn’t last.
A lot of us can relate to this, the first people we were friends with on campus didn’t end up to be our best friends. After few weeks you begin to meet more people and before you know you begin to get a new best friend.
We all felt home sick at one point in time.
After spending few days or weeks on campus, you begin to miss the comfort of your bed or your mums awesome meals, too bad you’ll have to get use to your new lifestyle and only pray that the days quickly roll by.