7 Secrets Of Great Men That Can Also Take Your High In Life

7 Secrets Of Great Men That Can Also Take Your High In Life

Making head way to the top in life can be easier said than done often times. The whole process of becoming great in life doesn't just stop at "I believe I can fly" Your believe is a necessary ingredient to your success but it becomes handicap when there is no action to fuel your believe.

We read about great men and women who has made it real high in life and we certainly want to be like them but have we taken time to see what the secret of their successes were? There is no glory without a story, no success with a process of making... As I have always said, this is not Carmelot and you aren't Merlin who does Magic.

Below are 7 Solid Secrets of Great Men that if you can tap in to, you will step up beyond limits and break barriers.

1. The secret of goal setting : One thing great men always bear in mind is that a future that is not written down is a future unforeseen. If you would become great in all endeavours and ramifications of life, you need to set goals. Pen down what you want to do with your life. Set targets for yourself and give a time bound to achieving them. Set a goal of where you want to be in 5years, in 10years and even in 20years. Set goals!

2. The Secret of Planning : When you fail to plan, you automatically plan to fail. The journey of becoming great doesn't just stop at setting goals, you need to plan on how your goals will be executed. You want to get a house before the next two years, fine, but you need to plan on how you are going to come about the money of the car. You want to come out best in your business or school, set plans and strategize on how you are going to do it. Be tactical and go for your goals through your planning. Set plans!

3. The Secret of Selecting Your Influence : There are certain things you need to deal with after setting your goals and plans and one of which is selecting your influence. You need to be able to set a standard on those who can influence your goals. Not everyone should be let into your goals and plans. Don't just broadcast your goals to people carelessly, some can influence you against your goals while some will ignite you to your goals. This is why you need to select your influence. Not everyone can just come out of the air to discourage you or talk you down to quitting what you already saw a future in. Select your influence!

4. The Secret Of Focus : When a man looses focus, he looses direction, he lose his plans and goals. You need to keep your focus. Do not be carried away by the plans and goals of others. You are different, you are the best of your kind and the best you can be. To every man is assigned different roots and pathways to success, so value that part way which you are trailing. Believe in your self and your success. Bare in mind that great future you foresee when you close your eyes and pursue it. Stay focused!

5. The Secret Of knowledge : Knowledge they say is power. How much you are able to invest in yourself is what determines how far you would be able to go. If you would go great in life, you need to seek power. You need to read books, You need to ask questions, You need to make research and give it anything it takes to get knowledge. Get knowledge!

6. The Secret Of Prayer : Show me a man of prayer and I will show you a man that is set for exploit. You need to take things beyond the physical, get on your kneels and perfect your goals before your maker, seek his guide and supervision. Commit your ways to his hands and wait to watch things fall in place as you put your little efforts. I give you the chance to give the 7th secret, drop one secret that has helped you that others can gain from or one secret that has helped great men that you know. Don't forget to share to your social medias and friends.

Written By : Kayode Oluwatobiloba Emmanuel For More Motivational Tips and Money Making Tips For Students visit www.getupideas.com.ng

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