1. Help Girls See Themselves as a Person First.
The parents and siblings who insist that their girls see themselves first as a person — that view makes a difference.
2. Be Open Minded About Careers and Interests Girls Pursue
Parents who are open minded about helping their daughter pursue her interests whatever they are (or aren’t).
3. Encourage Girls By Helping Them Learn Things That Interest Them
I love the father teaching his daughter to weld. When I asked to program computers, my parents gave me access to the family TRS-80. When I wanted to throw a football, Dad bought one and taught me how (even if I chipped my tooth in the process.) I know an amazing young lady who is tearing up the shotgun competition circuit and others who show hogs or barrel race. These no-limits parents will reap the rewards when their daughters tackle whatever comes to mind.
4. Watch The Language You Use
Perhaps the best thing Dad did was not letting me use “I’m just a girl” as an excuse as he worked alongside me in a dusty field to fix an irrigation system.
My favorite college professor, Dr. Phil Adler, often talked about sexism and racism and how to deal with it in the world.
“Be so good they can’t ignore you. The world cannot afford to ignore great talent. Yes, you’ll have to work hard, but do not limit yourself by your thinking. A person can not overcome the barriers of their own mind.”
He also encouraged us to look for organizations and places that promoted a diversity of talent because those organizations would be more successful.
Girls can do anything but not if we only expose them to some things.
A large part of the responsibility lies with adults. As humans, sometimes we don’t know what we don’t know and when we’re not exposed to something, we don’t know we can do it.
The World Needs Everyone to Contribute: Girls and Boys
The world needs every person to achieve their best. But to do that, we cannot limit girls or boys with preconceived notions about what they “should” be and get busy helping them explore what they “could” be.
As for me, having a Dad and a Mom who had no limits for me made all the difference.
Girls are people — people we need to reach their full potential so the world can reach its.
5. Expose them intentionally to non-traditional fields.
The parents who have their girls in programming or robotics clubs or, for that matter, take their daughter to work on the farm with them — are sending a message of open-mindedness to their girls. The fact that I even have to point this out troubles me, but it is the truth.