Applying for a student visa can be somewhat complicated but it's absolutely necessary when studying abroad. Therefore once you get your student visa, you should do whatever necessary to maintain this. You can do this by reading the terms of your student visa carefully when applying and once you receive it. Be warned, these will differ from one country to another so don't assume that what is accepted in one country is also the same in another.
Below are five general things to watch out for when maintaining your student visa:
Only work when permitted
In some countries, students are not allowed to work at all while studying. Therefore they will need to prove that they have the finances to fund their full studies when applying. In some countries, you may be allowed to work part-time but there will be restrictions. For example, in the US, you can only participate in on-campus jobs which are verified as being acceptable. There will also be limitations on how long you can work during and outside of term-time.
Provide correct documentation
Providing incorrect or false documentation will slow down or even put your student immigration at risk. Immigration authorities need your correct details so they can ensure who is entering and leaving the country. If you don't provide the correct information when applying for your student visa, this may hold you up if it is flagged when you are trying to enter the country. This may be something as simple as ticking the wrong box on a form or giving an incorrect version of your name.
Arrive when you are meant to
There may be limitations on when you are allowed to enter the country. Don't assume you can enter the country as soon as you receive your student visa. This is all to regulate those entering the country and to ensure that those coming to study in another country are doing so to study, not to work. Often this will be a few weeks before the commencement of your course (so ensure you have an approximate date for this).
Register when required
You will have to enrol officially with your university once you arrive to show that you are ready to begin. This will be at some point in your first few days in the country (on campus). Likely you'll be given a specific time to enrol at the university office or somewhere on campus, where you will also be given your student I.D. card and any other important information or documents. Your photo may also be taken for the university's records. Some students will also have to register their address once they have this organised this, if they have not before arriving in the country.
Don't break the law
If you break a law in the country you're studying in or get involved in some criminal activity, you are putting your immigration status at risk. Remember: you are a guest in that country and you should respect their laws. In Australia particularly, for instance, your character is taken in to account when applying for your student visa.
You can get more time on study abroad issues by clicking here About the author: Learn more about student visa information at Hotcourses Abroad, including full processes for applying for a visa, interviews with experts and more.