I have just summed five interesting things to do every morning that may help you have a beautiful and fulfilled day. These down-to-earth tips will help get you going in the morning, and keep you productive all day.
1. Get up right away: Getting up in the morning might not be an easy task due to late bedtimes, heavy dinners and a general desire to stay in bed all day, however it something you will do anyway. Always have a time schedule the night before every morning set your alarm and once it rings get up right away the ability to do this will help you stay focused and determined for the task ahead.
2. Say a Prayer: If you are a religious person you should say a prayer every morning appreciate God for the new day, however if you are not into religion you might want to step outside and receive some fresh air while appreciating nature and your surroundings. (It builds a good and happy feeling)
3. Drink WATER, Tea or just milk (I will recommend warm milk): This will get your system ready for the day ahead.
4. Do some Exercise: Stretch, Breathe and at least do Ten push ups every morning.
5. Make to do list: This is very important every morning ,put down some of the things you will like to do for the day and after the day check back on how much you archived if your day was fulfilled follow the same step every morning and before you know it you are laving a wonderful life.