The JAMB e-PIN vending for the 2024 JAMB UTME registration begins today January 8th 2024 and will end February 24th, 2024. JAMB had earlier announced methods candidates can use to obtain their e-PINS. . For those who may not know what the e-PIN is for, the e-PIN simply means electronic PIN. Candidates are to required to use the e-PIN to register for the JAMB exam at any accredited JAMB CBT centre. Please note that the JAMB registration will begin January 15th, 2024.
We advise candidates to stat preparations towards the exam early enough with the Best JAMB CBT Mobile App for Android Phones and Software for DESKTOP/LAPTOPS. They are designed specially to help candidates adequately prepare for the forthcoming JAMB exam as it contains all you need to excel. Use any of the links below to download as applicable.
- Download the Best JAMB CBT App 2024 for Android phones and tablets
- Download the Best JAMB CBT Software 2024 for computer systems (DESKTOP/LAPTOP)
Candidates are to also note that they need to first obtain their profile codes before they are allowed to buy the e-PIN. If you have not gotten your profile code or do not know how to, see this post as guide: How To Create JAMB Profile Code For UTME/DE Registration
Where to Buy JAMB ePIN
The JAMB e-PIN can be purchased via any of these outlets;
- NIPOST: You can visit any Nigerian Post office nationwide to obtain your e-PIN
- Banks: You can visit any bank around you and enquire if they sell the JAMB e-PIN; Majorly; FIRSTBANK, JAIZ, Polaris, STERLING, TAJ, UNION and UNITY
- Mobile Money Operators (MMOs): You can buy the e-PIN from Mobile Money Operators like PAGA
- Micro finance banks (MFBs)
- Other participating financial institutions and centres
Cost of JAMB ePIN
The cost of the JAMB ePIN depends on whether you want to write the JAMB mock or not. The cost is as follows;
- If you DO NOT want to write the JAMB Mock: Six Thousand, Two hundred naira (N6,200)
- If you WANT TO write the JAMB mock: Seven Thousand, Seven Hundred Naira (N7,700)
How To Receive Your JAMB ePIN
- Visit any of the outlets listed above
- Present your profile code
- Pay the fee either by cash or ATM cards
- The e-PIN will be generated electronically and sent to your phone number (Do not let them to dictate it or copy it out for you. It has to be sent to your phone number)
- Keep it safe and wait for registration to begin
How To Recover Your e-PIN If You Lose or Misplace it
- If e-PIN is not received or Lost, send (UTMEPIN) from the unique number to 55019 or 66019 for UTME respectively.
- The e-PIN would then be retrieved and delivered to the candidate’s unique phone number.
Please keep your e-PIN safe as you will need it to register for the JAMB exam at any accredited JAMB CBT Centre once registration begins on January 15th, 2024.