5 Reasons People Mis-use And Miss Opportunities

5 Reasons People Mis-use And Miss Opportunities

You may have wondered why some people seem to be quite “lucky or favoured” in life than others. Most times, the only special thing they did to appear “lucky” or “favoured” is being positioned to take advantage of opportunities.

I believe that opportunities abound and they are vehicles to one's success in life. However, one need to be positioned to fully take advantage of these opportunities. Many people usually miss opportunities for the following reasons;

1.They Do Not Know What They Really Want: Over the years I have come to realize that if you truly know what you are looking for, you will easily recognize opportunities that will lead you to it. But the reverse is always the case when you have little or no idea about what you are looking for.

When you do not know what you want you may be so close to your breakthrough and still will not recognize it.

2.They Are Not Ready: If you ask me, I will say that opportunities have a way of favouring those who are prepared. According to Abraham Lincoln,....click here to continue reading

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