Just like applying for anything, writing scholarship applications can be repetitive and time-consuming. However, they can pay off extremely well for you in the end (literally) if you are successful in receiving financial aid for your studies abroad.
Scholarship applications are slightly different to university applications but there is a lot of overlap. You should still remain formal and serious in your tone, while trying to distinguish yourself and stand out (after all, a lot of students will be applying for that same scholarship, especially if it is quite lucrative).
Take a look at our 3 tips for applying for scholarships which most applicants don’t do....
See what is out there
Most students don’t bother searching for possible scholarships. Often they think that their circumstances do not warrant them or that they will be awarded to someone else, so it’s a waste of time. This is the wrong attitude to have! You won’t know unless you look and apply. Every year, scholarships go un-awarded because they are not promoted enough or simply not taken up by students. Search online and see what comes up, or ask a university you are interested in about possible scholarships running. While this is an excellent question to ask a university, you should not make it the first thing you ask them. Ask about a specific course; do not simply ask for all scholarship information as this is too general and doesn’t show enough passion for a specific course.
Read the question
As part of the scholarship application process, you may be asked to write an essay or answer several questions about why you deserve the scholarship, your study plans and simply a bit about you as a person. Read these questions thoroughly; there is a reason that they are there! The worst thing you can do is ignore a question or points to cover as this is a simple skill in students which will be expected (i.e. being able to read a question and answer it). Often universities will want to get certain information from you and will use these questions or points to start you off. If necessary, underline key parts of the question if this will help you.
Don’t be too emotional
While part of your application for a scholarship will require explaining why you deserve it, this doesn’t necessarily mean you should focus on negative aspects about your circumstances. Don’t simply say that ‘I am very poor.’ It’s likely that all scholarship applicants are applying because they aren’t in the best financial positions either (remember, you want to stand out). Instead talk about things you’ve achieved despite your circumstances. This will show that you have worked hard despite having setbacks and challenges, but that you still want more out of your education and life.
Take these simple tips into consideration and you’ll significantly improve your chances of being offered a scholarship.
Author Bio:
This post was written by Paul Ellett, editor at Hotcourses Abroad where you can search for scholarships and read guides to applying for these. You can also search for courses abroad and read advice about all aspects of the study abroad journey.