We live in a world where knowledge keeps increasing or rather keeps advancing. For one to stay up to date and keep pace with this rapid knowledge-advancement; one needs to remain open to intentional learning or else one will gradually become redundant or simply irrelevant.
What you know is an important determinant of your success. If you doubt the power of knowledge and continuous learning just sit some one that has no knowledge of a computer in front of one and watch as his/her frustration grows.
Most of us see learning as something that happens within the four walls of a school. If you still see learning that way, then you are yet to understand the difference between formal education and self-education.
However, ‘schooling’ is only one type of learning. As a matter of fact, what you were or being taught in school isn’t enough and is not all there is to learn. Opportunities to learn new things and acquire more knowledge abound all around us. There are a lot to learn, unlearn and relearn
Learning should not be limited to the time we spend in school. It should rather be a lifelong process. In other words, as long as we are alive, we should never stop learning.
Here are three major reasons lifelong learning is an important success-factor....click here to continue reading