The University of Jos had in November 2012 chased away students in occupation of it's hostels citing among other things the fact that she wanted a transparent allocation of her hostel spaces.
However, three months after the commencement of Hostel clearance, the hostel is now a shadow of it's former self.
More rooms than students are the order of the day. This is not however unconnected to the fact that students have literally refused to resume and or clear the spaces allotted them.
The reason is not far fetched...the last increment in school fees also witnessed the increment in Hostel accommodation fee. To this end, most students including the reporter of this information, have opted for spaces, rooms and hostels across town; such as Naraguta village, Gidan mai, Ring road, Odus and numerous others.
The reason behind this is that no one is willing to pay 15 thousand naira for an uncomfortable space (probably up bunk) which most student detest. This view made student to opt out for accommodation elsewhere.
A visit to Abuja hostel left me in shock. The ever vibrant Abuja hostel have lost its glory with most rooms literarily vacant, some rooms visited even had a single person occupying a room where six people were supposed to stay.
SchoolGist therefore suggest that management of the school take action to correct this situation.