25% MBA Partial Tuition Scholarship At Sydney Business School, Australia

25% MBA Partial Tuition Scholarship At Sydney Business School, Australia

The University of Wollongong Business School (named Sydney Business School) is receiving applications for the MBA partial Tuition scholarship from international students coming in for the 2017/2018 academic session.


- Applicants must be international students

- Applicants must have a Bachelor degree with an Australian equivalent average of at least 70%

- Applicants must have an Unconditional offer to study a Masters program with Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong.

Application Process

Applicants are advised to download and completely fill in the Application Form

Applications are accompanied with the following:

- Your certified academic transcripts
- A copy of your University of Wollongong Letter of Offer
- Your 500 word document addressing each of the above selection criteria.

- Completed forms should be sent alongside necessary documents to :
business-scholarships@uow.edu.au (By email)

Admissions Unit, UniAdvice
University of Wollongong NSW 2522

Application Deadline

The application deadlines for this scholarship are as follows:

Trimester 1: Application opens: 3rd October 2016. Application closes: 9th December, 2016

Trimester 2: Application opens: 2nd January 2017 Application closes: 3rd March 2017

Trimester 3: Application opens 3rd April 2017 Application closes: 26th May 2017

For more information visit the Scholarship Webpage

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