22,598 SAGES Doctoral Scholarships At University Of Dundee

£22,598 SAGES Doctoral Scholarships At University Of Dundee

The University of Dundee is offering the Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society Scholarships (SAGES) to international students who wants to pursue a PhD degree programme in the field of Geography, Environmental Science, Natural Resource Management, Agriculture, Engineering, Computing, Social Sciences, Law or Planning.


- Applicants must be International students.

- Applicants must have completed their bachelors degree program in a recognized Institution.

- Applicants must have applied or applying to University of Dundee.

- Applicants must have excellent academic grades from previous educational programs.

Application Process

Applicants should send a CV (including 2 references) and a covering letter to Prof Chris Spray (C.J.Spray@dundee.ac.uk), from whom, along with Dr Rebecca Wade (r.wade@abertay.ac.uk) and Mr Andrew Allan (A.A.Allan@dundee.ac.uk) further details can be obtained.

Application Process

The application deadline for this scholarship program is on 10th February 2017

For More Information Visit The Official Website

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