Applications for the 2017/2018 PhD Scholarships At Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy for international students have commenced. The positions and scholarships are available to pursue PhD research in the field of Humanities, Sciences, Economics, Management and Languages.
Field of Study: Scholarships are awarded in the following departments:
- Department of Economics: Law, Market and Person, Economics, Science and Management of Climate Change
- Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies: Modern Languages, Cultures and Societies and Linguistics
- Department of Asian and North African Studies: Asian and African Studies
- Department of Management: Management
- Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics: Computer Science, Environmental Science
- Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage: Philosophy and Educational Sciences, History of Arts
- Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems: Chemistry (Inter-University Programme)
- Department of Humanities: Italian Studies, Historical, Geographical and Anthropological Studies (Inter-University Programme), Ancient Heritage Studies (Inter-University Programme).
Scholarship Value:
The scholarship is worth EUR 13,638.47 per year, net of insurance fees owed by the doctoral scholarship holder. The scholarship is exempt from income tax (IRPEF).
Who Can Apply?
Candidates who possess the following requirements, regardless of age or nationality, may apply:
- “Degree” or “Master” (second cycle degree);
- or degree awarded under the system (“ordinamento”) in place prior to the one introduced by Ministerial Decree (D.M.) no. 509 of 03 November 1999, amended by Ministerial Decree (D.M.) no. 270 of 22 October 2004;
- or second-level academic qualification ( “second-level academic degrees”) AWARDED BY institutions Belonging to the AFAM ( “Higher Education in Art and Music”) sector;
- or a Master’s degree awarded abroad, recognised as such in advance solely for the purpose of admission to the competition.
How To Apply:
The submission of the application is in two steps, both compulsory to the proper participation in this tender:
First Step
- Registration on the university website at the end of which a username and password will be assigned that you must use during enrolment procedure (this step is mandatory; if you do not risk not to be able to enroller if you are a winner!). If you already possess the credentials required to access the reserved area (for example as former students of the university), this stage is skipped.
- TAX CODE: tax code is an alphanumeric code that needs for italian fiscal purpose. It is not a problem if you have not an italian tax code: when you insert your personal data, the computer system will automatically calculate the tax code. Remind that code because you have to use the same on the second step of on line application.
Second Step
- Access to the links for the PhD programme you want to participate.
If you need to apply for more PhDs, you need to do more separate applications accessing different links indicated in the notice and filling in all the fields whenever. Click on the scholarship webpage at the end of this post to access the application link.
Required Documents
It is necessary to enclose the following documents to the application form in order to participate in the competition:
- curriculum vitae et studiorum (European format);
- PhD proposal research;
- abstract of the Master’s degree thesis (10.000 characters including spaces);
- transcript certificate of the Master’s degree awarded with the list of exams taken with grades;
- one reference letter. See Reference Letters Box for more information.
It’s also necessary to enclose:
- a valid copy of a valid identity document
Application Deadline:
The application form must be completed exclusively online, before Thursday, April 27th, 2017, no later than 1 PM (Italian time), under penalty of exclusion.
For more information on this scholarship, visit the official scholarship webpage.