The Aarhus University, Denmark is offering a two-year masters scholarships to Non EU/EEA students who wants to pursue a masters program at the institution.
This scholarship program generally includes a full tuition waiver, including a monthly scholarship for a maximum of 23 months for the duration of the degree programme.

- Applicants must be Non EU/EEA students.
- Applicants must have completed their bachelors degree program in any recognized institution.
- Applicants must have applied or applying to Aarhus University.
- Applicants must have excellent results from previous educational programs.
Application Process
Interested applicants should apply through the University's online through the digital application portal
The following documents must be submitted with the online application form:
- Diplomas showing examination subjects and results for each examination (a diploma without specific examination results is not sufficient).
- Transcript of records (if you have not yet received your final diploma).
- Course descriptions in English briefly describing the contents of your specific BA courses or other information that will contribute to describing the contents of your Bachelor’s degree programme.
- Official descriptions of relevant courses to be completed after the application deadline.
- An official description of the marking scale used at your home university.
- Documentation of your language qualifications (e.g. Danish language qualifications and/or English language qualifications).
- A pre-assessment you may have received from Aarhus University (if applicable)
- Documentation of your passed courses from previous, not completed Master’s degree programmes with a view to obligatory credit assessment.
- Documentation of your citizenship (e.g. copy of passport).
- A copy of current residence permit in Denmark (if applicable).
Application Deadline
The application deadline for this scholarship program is on 15th March 2017
For More Information Visit The Official Website