The University Of Glasgow invites applications for the Lord Kelvin Adam Smith (LKAS) PhD Scholarships from international students who intends to pursue a PhD degree in the institution.
This scholarship is worth £14,254 and it is provided to students up to years. The scholarship also includes an annual allowance of £3000.
- Applicants must be international students.
- Applicants must have completed their masters and bachelors degree program.
- Applicants must have received an offer of place at University of Glasgow.
Application Process
Interested applicants will need to submit a Project Proposal Form in PDF format to the Graduate School of the Lead Supervisor, using the file name ‘College, Lead Supervisor Surname, Abbreviated Title.’:
- For Arts – Adeline.Callander@glasgow.ac.uk
- For MVLS – mvls-gradschool@glasgow.ac.uk
- For Science & Engineering – scieng-gradschool@glasgow.ac.uk
- Social Sciences – socsci-gradschool@glasgow.ac.uk.
Application Deadline
The application deadline for this scholarship is on 14th November 2016.
For more information visit the official page