For those asking for the 2017 JAMB Exam slip printing deadline, here’s what you should know – all registered UTME candidates who intend to sit for the JAMB exams that begins on May 13th, 2017 should as a matter of urgency, print their JAMB exam slips before May 13th, 2017.
The purpose of printing the examination slip is to enable candidates to know their exam centre, exam date and time.
According to JAMB, any candidate who fails to appear on the date JAMB has given him or her for the examination will be marked absent and will not be allowed to write the examination again this year. That means you have missed this year’s admission after all the stress you had to go through just to register for it.
In order to ensure that no candidate misses his or her exam, we advise all JAMB candidates to print their 2017 JAMB exam slip before May 13th, 2017 so they can know their exact exam date, centre and time.
The fact is that, there is no official deadline for printing of 2017 JAMB Exam slip and do not wait for it to be announced because it won;t be announced. What you need to know is that each candidate MUST print his or her own exam slip at least a day before the date JAMB has given him or her for the examination. Since you may not be able to know the date of your own examination until you print your slip, it is possible your exam has been fixed on May 13th without you knowing and If you miss it on that day, you will not be able to write it again.
Just imagine if you finally reprints your 2017 JAMB Exam slip on 13th May at 5:00PM, only to discover you were scheduled to write the JAMB exam on that same day by 7:00AM.
Since there is no other way to print your 2017 JAMB exam slip apart from the email notification sent by JAMB and directly from JAMB website, we advise all UTME candidates to try as much as they can to print their 2017 JAMB exam slip before May 13th, 2017. Even if you exam does not fall on that day, at least it will help you know that you are on the safe side.
Follow the Steps on the links below to print your 2017 JAMB exam Slip;
To print your 2017 JAMB Exam Slip from your email, CLICK HERE
To print your JAMB Exam slip directly from JAMB Portal, CLICK HERE
If you have problem assessing the portal or printing the slip from your email, please visit the closest, JAMB CBT Centre or Cyber cafe as soon as you can before May 13th, 2017.