JAMB has finally opened the portal for UTME candidates to print their 2017 JAMB exam slip directly from JAMB website. If you have not printed your 2017 JAMB exam slip or you are having issues printing it from email. This is is the best way to print yours. The good thing is that this service is FREE.
The essence of printing your 2017 JAMB exam slip is to enable you know the exam centre, exam date and exam time.
With this new method provided by JAMB candidates can print their 2017 JAMB exam slip from the comfort of their homes of they have a computer system and a printer at home. However, if you do not have one, you can visit the closest cyber cafe/business centre or JAMB CBT centre.
If you have already printed their 2017 JAMB exam slip through the email notification sent by JAMB, We advise you to also use this new method JAMB has provided to confirm and cross check that the details on the exam slip you printed from your email is the same with the one on JAMB website to avoid negative issues at the last minute.
NOTE: You will require a computer system to print your 2017 JAMB exam slip.
How To Print And Confirm Your 2017 JAMB Exam Slip
1. Visit the JAMB Official website: www.jamb.org.ng and click on the button that says “Print UTME 2017 Examination Slip”.
If you have issues accessing the website with your browser, try using internet explorer or use another source of internet connection apart from GLO and MTN.
2. When the page opens, Type in your JAMB Registration Number or the email address you used during JAMB registration in the space provided.
3. Click on “Print Examination Slip” your 2017 JAMB Exam slip will pop-up.
4. If your computer is already attached to a printer, press “ctrl” and letter “P” together on your keyboard to print your exam slip.
If you do not have a computer system attached to a printer at home, please visit the closest cybercafe, business centre or JAMB CBT centre to print the exam slip.
Please note:
1. You are advised to print two copies of your 2017 JAMB exam slip. You will need to submit one on the day of the exam and keep the other one for reference purpose.
2. Your 2017 JAMB exam slip must be printed in COLOURED.
The portal may be a bit slow due to the number of users trying to access it at the same time. So you may need to reload the page as often as possible to gain access to the portal. You can share your experience with others on the comment box.