The Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University is offering numerous scholarships to students from developing countries that wants to pursue a bachelors degree program or masters program in the institution.
Under the terms of this scholarship, students will receive a waiver of school fees for their first semester of study, plus a one-off payment of 50 000 CZK (about 2050 EUR) as a contribution towards living costs.

- Applicants must be Citizens of developing countries.
- Applicants must have received an offer to study at Charles University.
- Applicants must have good grades.
Application Process
Interested applicants should download and completely fill in the Application Form.
Applications are accompanied with the following:
- Motivation essay of no more than 1000 words, explaining why they need a scholarship, and what they hope to gain from their studies at Charles University
– Two letters of recommendation from teachers, who know the student from their previous studies, including confirmation of the student’s financial need.
Completed forms should be sent to svoz@fsv.cuni.cz
Faculty of Social Sciences
Charles University in Prague
Smetanovo nabrezi 6
110 01 Prague 1
Czech Republic
Applicants must have applied to Charles University before applying for this scholarship.
Application Deadline
The application deadline for this scholarship program is on 30th April 2017.
For more information visit the official page