2000 SKO Family Law Scholarship For Postgraduate Research At Edinburgh University, UK

£2000 SKO Family Law Scholarship For Postgraduate Research At Edinburgh University, UK

The Edinburgh law School is offering the SKO Family Law Scholarships to International students who wants to pursue postgraduate research (LLM by research and PhD) programme at the institution.

This scholarship is worth £2000 per annum and it's aim is to attract the best and most motivated people to Edinburgh.


- Applicants must be International students.

- Applicants must have completed their bachelors degree program at any recognized university.

- Applicants must hold an Honours or Masters Degree in law (or equivalent) and has already been offered and accepted a place for LLM by Research or PhD study by the University of Edinburgh.

- Applicants must have good academic records.

Application Process

Applicants should please download and complete the Postgraduate Application Form

Completed forms should be sent alongside necessary documents to law.pgscholarships@ed.ac.uk.

Application Deadline

The application deadline for this scholarship is on 30th April 2017.

For more information visit the official page

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