The Department of Sociology/anthropology,faculty of Social sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka(NAU) cordially invites the general public to the 17th annual Nigerian sociology/anthropology conference, UNIZIK 2012
THEME:Social Values, Corruption and Security.
Guest Speaker:Ibrahim Lamorde,EFCC Chairman
Date:5-9 Nov 2012
Time:10am daily
Guest of Honour:Peter Obi CON,Governor Anambra State Dr.P.C Ezeah Ag. HOD Sociology/Anthropology UNIZIK(LOC Chairman)
Host:Prof. A.U. Nnonyelu,Dean faculty of Social sciences UNIZIK
Chief Host:Prof B.C.E Egboka-VC UNIZIK.
Guests are to be seated by 9:30am