Do you sometimes wonder why you are not successful yet? Does it disturb you that you are not yet where you want to be by now? I am sure I’ve got some answers for you.
Here are 16 reasons you are not yet were you want to be;
You Haven’t Really Decided Yet: Deciding where you would rather be is the first step to getting there. If you cannot define where you want to be, then it doesn’t matter if you remain where you are. When you know where you are going, it is easier to recognize the opportunities that will take you there.
You Have No Goals To Get You There: Goals are blue prints to your desired future. Is not enough to know where you will rather be; how to get there is equally important too. Goals help you stay on course and focus on what matters. Without goals you are likely going to drift and wander through life and end up achieving little or nothing.
You Don’t Believe In Yourself: If you do not believe you can, you will never make any reasonable step towards your goals. Many judge their abilities base...click here to continue reading