Yasha Asley, a 14-year-old brainy child, who is noted to be the youngest degree student at University of Leicester has also emerged world youngest lecturer.
Asley, according to Dailymail has been employed by the University of Leicester, where he is also a degree student to run tutorials. He became the youngest ever student at the University and is now the youngest ever employee.
Yasha was interviewed and offered the paid job when he was just 13 years old beating many other adult applicants.
Administration staff of the university had to apply to Leicester city council for special permission to employ him because he was so young.
The weekly tutorials, which Yasha runs are for adult students who need help and support solving problems following lectures.
The excited young lecturer in his reaction said: ”I am having the best years of my life. I love going to
university and I love my new job helping other students. No more school uniform for me thank you very much.’’