12,000 Undergraduate Scholarships At University Of Groningen, Netherlands

€12,000 Undergraduate Scholarships At University Of Groningen, Netherlands

The University of Groningen invites applications for the UCG undergraduate scholarships which is offered to suitable qualified International students who wants to pursue an Undergraduate degree in the Institution.

This scholarship is worth €12,000 and its intended for students with an excellent academic profile, but who require financial assistance to study.


- Applicants must be International students.

- Applicants must have an excellent academic profile.

- Applicants must have applied or applying to University of Groningen.

Application Process

Interested applicants submit a letter of motivation to explain why he/she believe they should be considered for a scholarship. This should include:

- A maximum of 500 words in a Word document.

- Explain why you believe you deserve a scholarship and why you need financial assistance for your studies

- Explain your experiences with social engagement and extracurricular events. Explain how you want to contribute to society in the future, what issues are important to you and why it is important for you to be awared the USP scholarship. Also explain your ambitions and how you would like to achieve these ambitions and goals during your studies at University of Gronigen {UCG}

The letter of motivation should be emailed to newstudents.ucg@rug.nl no later than 1 February 2017. The email title must be: 'Letter of Motivation - USP Scholarship.

Application Deadline

The application deadline for this scholarship program is on 1st February 2017.

For more information visit the official page

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